Creative agency the thrills wins Melbourne Royal Show pitch

By AdNews | 28 May 2024
Paul Greskie.

Melbourne Royal has, after a four-way competitive pitch, appointed creative agency the thrills for a multi-year partnership across the Melbourne Royal Show.

the thrills creative director, Paul Greskie, said  the team is excited to inject new life into the show that Victorians have grown up loving.

"Everyone has a memory of the show, and there are so many exciting new things on this year; our creative task was to communicate this to drive reappraisal," he said.

Melbourne Royal's marketing campaign manager, Grace Usher, said that this year’s Melbourne Show is looking to increase ticket sales with a differentiated campaign that’s fresh and exciting, just like this year’s Melbourne Royal Show.

 “the thrills blew us away with their winning creative response, bringing innovative and strategic thinking, and an exciting channel-led campaign approach to take the Melbourne Royal Show to the next level," she said.

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