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As part of The Annual we put creative agencies to the test and asked them to come up with the best mock brief for an idea of our choice.
Brief: Sydney's lock out laws have been causing concern. The well-intentioned laws aimed to reduce crime and violence on the streets. Assault rates have fallen, but manly think it's killing the city's culture with late night venues closing and the local economy taking a hit. Support or protests the lock out laws.
Cummins&Partners “Cowards Punch”
Alcohol and testosterone can be a particularly nasty brew. So to support the lockout laws, we imagined a fictional product called ‘Coward’s Punch’ – a lethal concoction that is exclusively available at Sydney’s late night haunts.
Art: Heath Collins | Copy: Liam Jenkins | ECDs: Ben Couzens, Jim Ingram
Cummins&Partners “Lockouts Saves Lives”
This scenario uses a phone conversation between mates to demonstrate that the lockout laws aren’t designed to stop people having fun. They save lives.
Art & Copy: Matt Bray | Executive Creative Directors: Ben Couzens, Jim Ingram
One Green Bean “Beige”
Sydney’s lock-out laws are a draconian measure wiping out Sydney’s culture and vibrancy. This reduction in personal freedom and increase in government power borders on fascism. To amplify this thought we created a Soviet-style propaganda design and hijacked the expression ‘paint the town red’.
Creatives: Alexa Burchell & Jarrod Humphreys
The White Agency “Smashed”
It seems the lockout laws are here to stay, so let’s start to embrace them for all the positives and maybe even come to like them. Our idea celebrates the fact that while millennials don’t go out at night as much anymore, they now have money for important sh*t. Like brunch.
Jnr Art Director: Ellie Bennett | Community Manager: Bianca Li Donni
Ikon “Road Sign”
The reality that Sydney-siders are left with as a result of the lockout laws is a grim one – one in which people might go to even greater, more depraved lengths (like travelling to Wollongong) in search of a good time. This idea provokes people to petition in order to take back their city.
ECD: Rob Martin Murphy | Art Director: Zac Goldberg | Copywriter: Craig Merrett
Ikon “Intensive care”
This idea poses a question for which there is no argument to the contrary – of course people’s right to live is far greater than other people’s right to get drunk.
ECD: Rob Martin Murphy | Art Director: Zac Goldberg | Copywriter: Craig Merrett
Wunderman “Kings Crosses”
We’re often told to walk off pain. But in Kings Crosses, we’re invited to walk with pain. In a confronting audio tour that includes the voices of those scarred by events – emergency services, victims’ families, perpetrators – we’re asked to confront the recent past in a brutal reminder of why we still need the lockout laws.
The Core Agency “Enjoy Camomile”
For decades, Sydney’s Coca-Cola sign in Kings Cross has stood as an iconic symbol for a great night out. But, now it’s a different story. The lockout laws have turned entertainment precincts, like Kings Cross, into boring and sleepy places no one wants to go.
Credits: Christian Finucane & Jon Skinner | Simone Parravicini and Dave Glen
The Core Agency “Zzzdney”
Virtually overnight the NSW Government turned Sydney, once one of the world’s most vibrant and fun cities, into an entertainment vacuum. This concept captures that embarrassing truth in one word and challenges the Premier to make Sydney a first-world city once again.
Credits: Christian Finucane & Jon Skinner
M&C Saatchi “Welcome to Sydney”
This is an invitation to come and enjoy everything Sydney has to offer. But, the lockout laws mean more than a few restrictions imposed by the NSW State Government. We wanted to make the audience think about its impact on culture.
CCO: Andy DiLallo | ECD: Michael Canning | Art Director: Rodrigo Soares | Copywriter: Rodrigo Cunha | Designer: Chi Yusuf
Red Engine “#SydneyNightLife”
The Lockout laws are hurting Sydney’s nightlife, but the Baird government doesn’t seem to care.This campaign hijacks the hashtags tourists use to demonstrate what it’s really like.
Havas “After 3am”
Thanks to Sydney’s lockout laws, just about anywhere in Australia has more fun after 3am.
Art Director: Tom Twiby | Copywriter: Joe Ranallo | Retoucher: Jonathan Wilson | Executive Creative Directors: Stuart Turner & Seamus Higgins
1 Kent Street “Anti-lockout”
What can I say? I like fruit bats. I always feel sorry for them on New Year’s Eve. It must be like flying through anti-aircraft fire during the Blitz. I thought they deserved their moment in the, er, dark.
Writer: Simon Collins | Art director: Albert Jangtong
1 Kent Street “Pro-lockout”
I was living overseas when these laws came in, so I had to resort to google to find out what they were all about. In the course of doing so I came across some compelling stats. Sometimes the facts don’t need embellishing.
Writer: Simon Collins | Art director: Albert Jangtong
GPY&R “Locking out culture”
The lockout laws don’t just stop the public from enjoying themselves, they affect everything. It’s time to make a change, to say no to the lockouts and unlock the buzzing culture of our city again.
Art: James Griffiths | Copy: Bart Pawlak
Isobar “Bring on the Night”
The Lockout Laws were made to protect us from the violence that occurs after dark. We compared the law with other weapons that protect you from things that go bump in the night.
Creative Director: Carmela Soares | Art Director: Rafael Martins | Copywriter: Tracy Kwong | Associate Creative Director: Marcel Moniaga | Senior Copywriter: Tom McMullan
Isobar “Luna Park Just for Now”
We believe Sydney’s tourism could be in jeopardy thanks to Mike Baird’s lockout policy.
Junior Art Director: Jesse Young | Junior Copywriter: Oliver Brock
Isobar “Keep Sydney Safe”
It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Let’s question the Cross’ integrity until it grows up.
Art Director: Jerry Scott | Copywriter: Max Bengtsson |
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The AdNews Mock brief: the digital detox is a thing
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