Creating a billboard ad while sitting on it

Chris Pash
By Chris Pash | 18 May 2021

Michael Skarbek, an award-winning creative consultant, was attached to a large format billboard to create ads in a campaign for freelance platform Fiverr via creative agency By All Means.

Bill’s Billboards is an initiative to help boost the local economy by creating free ads for local businesses and running them across $250,000 of billboard space.

The ads were made by Skarbek, who set himself up on a desk attached to a live digital billboard four metres above the ground for a full day in front of passers-by and City Road traffic in Melbourne.

Out of 889 entrants, the five selected: bamboo underwear brand (; an off-the-grid cabin accommodation company (; a waste-free dental care brand (; a food company that uses crickets to make sustainable snacks (; a charity that raises money for blood cancer research (

Mat Cummings, managing partner at By All Means: "Unless you’re in the hand sanitiser, supermarket or toilet paper game, just about every business owner can attest to how difficult 2020 was.

"But with its massive pool of global talent at-the-ready to help local businesses, Fiverr really can be the solution to help businesses get back on their feet. This idea is all about showing off Fiverr’s ability to solve problems for businesses from

Liron Smadja, senior director of global brand marketing at Fiverr: "Many Australian businesses were in a paradoxical situation: they needed to get back on track but couldn’t quite afford the enormous cost of advertising.

"Bill’s Billboards is a great opportunity for the five winners, but it’s also a strong (and fun) demonstration of what Fiverr can offer many more businesses moving forward." 

This is the second campaign By All Means have created for Fiverr since winning the business in a competitive pitch mid-lockdown in 2020, and continues a string of business wins for the nearly seven-year-old independent agency, that includes ASX listed Lifestyle Communities and shoe brand, Clarks.

The winning billboard ads are currently running across major digital outdoor sites in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane.

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