Copy School Sydney 2024 masterclasses

By AdNews | 19 September 2024

Copy School Sydney has finalised its masterclasses for 2024. 

They start November 11 at the State Library of NSW. Melbourne to be announced.

Tutors in order of appearance: 

ANDY FLEMMING, Creative Lead — 72andSunny

JONATHAN KNEEBONE, Founder and Creative Partner — The Glue Society

DEE MADIGAN, Owner and Executive Creative Director — Campaign Edge; GEORGIE WATERS, Senior Copywriter — M&C Saatchi Group AUNZ; CELIA MORTLOCK (via Zoom from New York), Associate Creative Director — Johannes Leonardo

JENNY MAK & HEATHER SHEEN, Creative Partner & Brand Consultant/ Strategist, respectively — DDB Group Australia & Sheen Strategy, respectively

EWAN HARVEY & AICHA WIJLAND, Copywriter & Art Director, respectively — The Monkeys

RALPH VAN DIJK, Creative Director and Founder — Eardrum

ESTHER CLEREHAN, Creative Talent Specialist — CLEREHAN

Masterclasses in order of those tutors: 

• What Makes a Great Copywriter?

• Dialogue

• Resilience

• The Basics

• What It’s Like Working Overseas as an Australian

• Empathy, Strategy, Persuasion

• Getting More from Your Audio

• Ideas

• Finding Your Strengths and Working to Them


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