Claxon partners with Serving Our People

By AdNews | 29 May 2024

Full service independent agency Claxon has established a pro-bono partnership with Australian charity Serving Our People (SOP).

Claxon will provide strategy, creative, content creation, media planning and buying support to SOP, helping raise awareness of the charity’s offering.

Established in 2020 during the global pandemic, Serving Our People is the only complimentary delivery, logistics organisation in Australia.

“When you consider there are millions of people in Australia currently living in poverty and the rising costs of living will put millions more people at immense financial pressure, it is a small gesture to offer help where we can help most," Claxon chief growth officer Jade Axford said.

"By providing the skills, expertise and the man hours to help Serving Our People they will be able to continue their great work.

“We are delighted to offer Claxon’s expertise and look forward to working with SOP’s team as they continue to support the needs of the most vulnerable in our community.”

SOP operates three free supermarkets in SE Qld, with plans for 11 more; providing vital food and living supplies for people annually, supports domestic violence survivors find accommodation plus offers furniture, household items, food and clothing support; among many other charitable services.

Work has already started with Claxon recently designing and creating all promotional collateral to support The Kollosche People’s Ball: SOP’s major annual fundraising event held recently on the Gold Coast.

SOP founder Yas Daniel Matbouly said the organisation's mission is to serve the people of Australia in whatever capacity they need.

"Be they infants, children, families, the elderly, displaced or disadvantaged individuals and communities, carers, disaster victims or people living with a disability.

“By raising awareness of who we are and what we offer, we can raise vital funds to fuel our initiatives that help anyone who needs assistance. We are only able to continue our fundraising efforts by telling more people about our organisation and our services...Claxon will help us continue our good work.”

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