Catch the Sun Communications gives ad and marketing clients more hours in their day

Jason Pollock
By Jason Pollock | 30 November 2022
Maddie Sinclair and Claire Cocks; image supplied by Catch the Sun Communications.

Canberra-based virtual editorial and content agency Catch the Sun Communications is offering Australian advertising and marketing clients more hours in their day. 

Catch the Sun has for nearly six years used a skilled network of Australia-based freelancers to extend the working day of UK- and Europe-based clients.

The agency completes copywriting, editing and proofreading work for northern-hemisphere clients overnight while they sleep – by working during Australian office hours – with projects ready and waiting in UK inboxes around breakfast time each morning.

Now the agency is reversing this model to benefit local Australian advertising agencies and marketing firms, using a team of editorial and content freelance professionals in the UK to complete projects "overnight".

This business model lets the agency catch the sun for its clients, using the natural movement of the sun around the globe to lengthen production hours, ensuring tight delivery deadlines are always met.

Founder Maddie Sinclair said: “Catch the Sun Communications exists because there really aren’t enough hours in the day. 

“Having spent nearly 15 years of my career working in Australian and UK ad agencies, I know this is particularly true as a marketing project approaches its deadline."

Catch the Sun’s Australian clients have included the University of Canberra, Fujitsu, UNSW Canberra, NTT, Geoscience Australia, AECOM, the Australian National University, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), 2B Advertising and more.

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