Carsales mediahouse launches ad measurement and audience targeting technology

By AdNews | 28 August 2024
Davor Vilusic, Vanya Mariani

Carsales mediahouse, the media arm of the digital auto marketplace, has unveiled carsales CAPI (Conversions API), a privacy-compliant ad measurement and audience targeting technology.

Carsales's annual upfronts also featured announcements about an integrated partnership being developed between brand management platform sesimi and Ignition, aiming to streamline campaign activation from creative to execution; as well as the development of AI Enhanced Imagery.

Carsales EGM of media, Davor Vilusic, said carsales mediahouse's commitment to data-driven innovation ensures that advertisers don’t have to choose between performance and privacy.

“Everything has its pros and cons, but we offer advertisers the best of both worlds - a closed ecosystem combined with the flexibility of the open web," said Vilusic.

"With strategic investments in privacy-enhancing solutions like a unified ID, AI-driven technologies and Data Clean Rooms, we can help advertisers bridge the gap between compliance and results. Today's announcement of carsales CAPI continues our dedication to demonstrating how advertisers’ investment on carsales influences user behaviour on their own website”.

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