Cannes Lions sexual harassment guide

Ashley Regan
By Ashley Regan | 6 June 2024
Cannes 2017

Sexual harassment action group for the marketing and advertising industries TimeTo has partnered with Cannes Lions with a comprehensive guide on issues around sexual harassment at industry events.

The partnership is designed to create and foster a supportive environment of respect, wellbeing, and accountability, where any delegates at Cannes feels secure and empowered to enjoy themselves safely, and to speak up about sexual harassment should they need to.

The key asset, Celebrating Safely, provides supportive advice and education on sexual harassment to everyone planning to be in Cannes.

The guide is split into three distinct sections tailored to employers, employees, and delegates, each section offers a specific focus for that audience and provides guidance before, during, and after the Festival.

The collaboration between Cannes Lions and timeTo, which was founded by NABS, WACL, the Advertising Association, and supported by ISBA and the IPA, will also include a significant presence on the ground in Cannes.

Including OOH ads (with the original work created by Lucky Generals) running in Heathrow airport with advertising space generously donated by JCDecaux, and on digital screens outside the Palais, water bottles being handed out to delegates with timeTo messaging and appearances at the WACL Empower Cafe throughout the week.

A printed version of Celebrating Safely will be distributed across the City of Cannes, including in the Palais, the WACL Empower Cafe and at some of the events and beaches. It will also be available digitally through a QR code throughout the duration of the festival and after.

Electric Glue CEO and TimeTo chair Pippa Glucklich said the organisations want to ensure the Cannes Lions Festival remains a place where creativity thrives and everyone feels safe and respected.

"Through this inaugural partnership and via our bespoke guide, our collective aim is to increase awareness of this important initiative and end sexual harassment in our industry once and for all," Glucklich said.

"Sadly, sexual harassment in the industry still remains a live issue and it is essential that everyone, from industry leaders to employees, is vigilant, well informed and feels safe wherever they are.”

Cannes Lions chief DEI officer Frank Starling said the festival is delighted to support TimeTo's vital mission to eradicate sexual harassment.

"The festival is a time to celebrate the incredible talent and achievements of our industry, but it’s also important to recognise that sexual harassment is not a thing of the past," Starling said.

"This guide is a proactive step towards ensuring that everyone, from industry leaders to employees, feels informed, supported and safe at the Cannes Lions Festival.”

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