Cake.Shop partners with carbon measurement platform Hiili

By AdNews | 11 September 2024
Credit: Charles Deluvio via Unsplash

Adtech startup Cake.Shop has partnered with carbon measurement platform Hiili to enable brands to measure the environmental impact of their digital advertising and use of AI. 

The partnership delivers carbon emission reporting to Cake.Shop clients as part of their Sustain product offering by tracking every digital ad impression across every platform, and then enabling brands to optimise in real time and select low carbon emitting supply paths.

The Cake.Shop Sustain solution will house the Hiili carbon measurement offering, alongside its process management, auditing, and other measurement tools. 

Cake.Shop founder Luke Hills said the company knows that brands want to substantially reduce their carbon footprint and make better more informed, data lead decisions about their environmental impact.

"Our partnership with Hiili will enable pixel integration for any digital media campaign including its use of AI,” he said.

"We are delighted to bring the Hiili technology to Australia that will give companies accurate emissions tracking not just on digital marketing but also its use of AI.” 

Cake.Shop, launched in July of this year, was started to provide brands and agencies with programmatic ad buying services.

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