Bonuses for oOh!media’s Cathy O’Connor

Chris Pash
By Chris Pash | 22 March 2022
Cathy O'Connor

oOh!media CEO Cathy O’Connor did well in 2021 with pay and bonuses.

The 2021 annual report shows her total statutory remuneration at $1,772,598, with about 27% of that made up of performance payments. 

Salary was $1,259,482 with a short term cash bonus of $285,900 on top, and long term incentive valued at $285,900 plus superannuation.  

The outdoor media specialist reported revenue up 18.1% to $503.73 million in 2021 compared to 2020.

The remuneration report: “The focus of oOh!media’s team during 2021 was to remain flexible and adapt to the ongoing disruption experienced by the out-of-home industry. 

“Although the economy is adjusting to it, COVID-19 continued to impact audiences and revenues in specific formats. 

“oOh!media’s resilience is based on our diverse asset base which enables the group to continue to mitigate the worst impacts of successive waves of the pandemic and stay strategically positioned for recovery.”

The weightings for the short term incentive plan have been adjusted for the pandemic.

oOh!media qualified for and received JobKeeper and NZ wage support. However, all JobKeeper and NZ wage support received in 2021 was repaid in December. 



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