Independent shop DO announced the appointment of Paul Coles as national managing director and co-owner.
DO, founded in 2017, clients include MG, Hino, Best & Less, NSW Government, Caesarstone, McPhersons and Arlo – with a remit spanning both local and regional markets, including New Zealand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore and Japan.
Coles departs his role as GM at BMF Australia, after close to five years. Part of his role was leading ALDI, named Most Effective Advertiser for thrtee years running.
“I’m incredibly sad to leave my good friends at BMF – an agency with a big heart and bigger ideas. But the chance to become co-owner in DO was a chance to build something brilliantwith a bunch of smart people, leave a legacy and do some good along the way”, said Coles.
Coles has been widely recognised and awarded across the local industry. Before BMF he had senior roles at both VMLY& R and M&C Saatchi agencies. Before this, he spent several years in the UK at Saatchi & Saatchi and JWT.
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