Bench Media wins Best Gift Group

By AdNews | 24 June 2024
Ben Farnsworth.

Hospitality experience, marketing and gift card company Best Gift Group is preparing to launch a digital campaign at the end of June in Australia and New Zealand after appointing Bench Media as its digital media agency.

Bench Media's remit is to implement a fully integrated approach to Best Gift Group’s media campaigns, from awareness to consideration and ultimately purchases.

The campaign will set the foundations for an always-on strategy for Best Gift Group while starting to build early momentum in the lead up to the peak retail periods of Black Friday and Christmas. The omnichannel campaign will be seen across digital-out-of-home, connected TV, social channels, shoppable display and search.

Bench Media's strategic partnerships partner Ben Farnsworth said from the outset it was important to ensure the campaign takes a true omnichannel approach – channels operating in silos were not an option to achieve optimal ROI.

“We will use different channels and ad formats to tell sequential stories to the target audience, aiming for maximum brand recall and ultimately drive sales exponentially,” he said.

“Additionally, measurements and tracking are being implemented along the entire customer journey, ensuring data-driven optimisations at all levels to drive ROI holistically rather than focusing on the (sometimes deceiving) bottom of the funnel only,” Farnsworth concluded.

Best Gift Group CEO, Rajneen Arora, said the company's rapid growth trajectory meant we needed to find the right agency partner to guide it through the next evolution of Best Gift Group's advertising journey.

"Bench has already demonstrated a great understanding of our business and developed truly innovative ideas to take our brand to the next level with confidence," said Arora.

"We are extremely excited to have them by our side on this next stage of our brand evolution and can’t wait to see the results of the campaign in the lead up to retail’s traditional busiest periods.”

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