Azerion partners with Right Thing Media 

Jason Pollock
By Jason Pollock | 18 November 2022
Georgia Woodburne; image provided by Azerion.

Azerion has partnered with advertising platform Right Thing Media to allow advertisers to deliver campaigns with social impact messaging inside its portfolio of in-game advertising.

Under the partnership, Azerion and RT.M will enhance existing creative with social and environmental impact messaging and calls to action that inspire and engage audiences.  

London-based RT.M has access to thousands of programmes from over one hundred vetted international charities and nonprofits, but can also work with brands’ existing charity partners, or carefully source and select new ones.  

Azerion and RT.M can work with any ad format, distributor, agency or media owner across web, mobile and app campaigns. The partnership enables advertisers to earmark an agreed percentage of their total campaign spend to be pledged to a nominated charity or nonprofit partner. 

The two companies manage the full creative and amplification process, from concept to completion: compiling post-performance data from ad distribution partners, and delivering funds to non-profit, charity, and social enterprise partners. 

Gerson Barnett, executive director of Right Thing.Media, said:“We are thrilled to team up with Azerion in the Asia-Pacific region to drive change within the media industry and enable charities to elevate their profile.  

We’re all about action, and our partnership with Azerion will enable more brands to deliver effective high – social – impact campaigns to deliver a responsible media-supply-chain.” 

Georgia Woodburne, Azerion’s JAPAC MD, saidWe have a platform that allows us to reach millions of users, serving quality creatives in environments where we already have secure heightened attention.  

We're excited to be able to partner with Right Thing Media to use our platform for positive social impact, and to bring awareness to causes that really matter, for both consumers and brands. 

The partnership between Azerion and RT.M also produces an impact report that combines ad performance with impact insights and outlines how the campaign has made a tangible difference to society, whilst meeting the brand’s ad performance goals.  

Social impact campaigns are inserted seamlessly into existing frameworks and delivered via a curated marketplace of premium publishers. Azerion’s suite of in-gaming digital advertising services includes a gaming content portfolio of 17,000 mobile, social and casual games. 

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