AWARD School to host ‘Get Creative Quick’ free masterclass

By AdNews | 16 September 2024

AWARD School is hosting 'Get Creative Quick' a free masterclass on October 8—a one-hour webinar for aspiring creatives filled with expert tips on how to crack a creative brief.

Led by AWARD School Co-Chairs, Huei Yin Wong and Ryan Clayton, the interactive session will showcase top creatives tackling a live brief and sharing their process for developing standout ideas for businesses and clients.

Before the class, attendees will have the chance to work on the brief themselves. During the session, they’ll receive real-time feedback and guidance on their work.

Special guests include award-winning creative duo Jake Ausburn and Alex Polglase, senior copywriter and senior art director at LA agency Miramar, who will present their approach to client briefs by showcasing a recent project.

Ogilvy creative director Ryan Clayton said the masterclass is perfect for anyone wanting to dip their toes into the world of commercial creativity and to learn how to develop ideas that have impact.

"The session title says it all," Clayton said.

Howatson+Company senior creative Huei Yin Wong said saving respected global talents like Jake and Alex join live from the US is an incredible opportunity for attendees to learn from the best.

“And, don’t forget to stick around for the Q&A—we’re ready to answer all your questions about adland and AWARD School," Yin Wong said.

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