Awaken wins Opal HealthCare pitch

By AdNews | 18 December 2023
Supplied: Chris Parker

Independent full-service media agency Awaken has secured the media account for aged care services provider Opal HealthCare, following a competitive pitch process.

Awaken will manage media activity for the organisation to drive occupancy and promote Opal HealthCare’s residential and respite aged care services.  

The Opal HealthCare team was impressed with Awaken’s fresh outlook on the business, particularly the agency’s combination of creative strategy, data and research to drive media results, and a nuanced understanding of Opal HealthCare’s mission.

An Opal HealthCare spokesperson said they look forward to working closely with Awaken in the new year to connect people with their services.

“Having rebranded with a focus on the concept of ‘Ageing is Living’, we wanted to work with an agency that embraced our vision and could help promote our living values," the spokesperson said.

"Awaken impressed us from the outset with their deep understanding of our overall strategy and their ability to lean into the core values of our brand: compassion, accountability, respect and excellence."

Chris Parker, Awaken founder and CEO, said the agency is thrilled to be partnering with the Opal HealthCare team.

"From our initial conversations, we were immediately inspired by Opal HealthCare’s innovative approach to their brand, with a focus on building communities," Parker said.

"Our partnership with Opal HealthCare is an opportunity for us, as an agency, to help support families and deepen their respect for aging loved ones.

"Ageing is a concept all of us can relate to and knowing there is a people-led community available will bring comfort to many. We look forward to telling that story.”

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