Avocados ask corn chip industry to come to the table via Thinkerbell

By AdNews | 31 July 2024

The structural integrity of corn chips has failed the Australian people.

For too long, Australians have had to deal with the common gripe of finding shards of salty chips layed chipwrecked in bowls of guacamole.

But today on National Avocado Day, in a full page ad in The Daily Telegraph, Australian Avocados is imploring the corn chip industry to forge a stronger chip to bridge the gap between guac and mouth, and unite people around the common goal of salty-creamy, crispy-smooth satiation.

Australian Avocados senior brand manager Victoria​​​​ Zourkas said the team is calling on the corn chip industry to help make a stronger corn chip worthy of guacamole.

"Made with delicious and creamy Australian avocados. It’s time they chip in. The avocado is now in their court," she said.

In celebration of National Avocado Day, Australian Avocados partnered with Taco King and Al Pastor legend, Toby Wilson from Rico’s Tacos, to create the world's first ‘corn chip safe’ guacamole.

Australians nation-wide are being challenged to make the guacamole at home and see how much guac they can load onto their chip.

Thinkerbell executive creative tinker Sesh Moodley said guacamole and corn chips create a taste sensation.

"But far too many times my corn chip breaks under the weight of the guac, which is infuriating. We’re committed to fixing this national issue and we hope the chip industry hears our plea," he said.

The corn chips industry hasn't commented…yet.


Client: Australian Avocados (Hort Innovation)
Creative, Paid & Earned: Thinkerbell

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