Avenue C launches national campaign for Primo Reserve

By AdNews | 25 July 2024

Independent media agency Avenue C has launched Primo Reserve’s new premium smallgoods range.

“Our new Primo Reserve range underscores our commitment to exceptional quality and authentic craftsmanship, meeting the growing demand for trusted premium offers in everyday lunch and entertaining occasions," Primo Reserve GM marketing Susanna Polycarpou said.

The national campaign kicks off today and will feature three bursts of activity across multiple channels.

The primary goal of Avenue C’s campaign is to raise awareness and encourage trial of the Primo Reserve range among consumers who value quality.

Avenue C will optimise reach and reinforce brand recognition through TV, BVOD and OOH – including street furniture, transit, and large format. 

The focus will be on high-reach regions, to ensure maximum audience penetration and minimal wastage. The goal is for consumers to immediately think of Primo Reserve’s new burgundy packaging at their local Coles and Woolworths when they feel like prosciutto or salami.

Avenue C managing partner Will Chapman said the Primo Reserve Range comes with amazing product credentials in a time where consumers are seeking accessible indulgences. 

"With beautiful creative for amazing products, we’re proud of the impactful media vehicles we’ve selected to ensure the range is showcased in the premium environments it deserves. We can’t wait to see it in market," he said.



Client team:

Susanna Polycarpou – General Manager Marketing

Jen Turnbull – Marketing Director

Amity Dent – Brand Manager


Avenue C team:

Rosy Zhang – Business Director

Will Chapman – Managing Partner

Morag Cahill – Media Director

Daniel Cutrone – Managing Partner

Chris Zoomerschoe – Digital Director


Generator United

Campaign Production Director – Darren Bailey 


Tasty Pictures – Film Production

Director: Ben Flaxman

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