Australians back TV advertising ban of controversial products

Jason Pollock
By Jason Pollock | 31 August 2022
Mathew MacQuarrie via Unsplash.

Australians agree that junk food, gambling, alcohol and tobacco advertising on TV should be banned, according to poll from The Australia Institute. 

The think tank surveyed 1,003 Australians about whether advertising of certain controversial products should be permitted on television. 

Three in four (74%) agreed the existing ban on tobacco advertising should stay in place, while seven in 10 (71%) agree that gambling ads on TV should be banned. 

Two in three (66%) agree that junk food ads during children’s viewing hours should be banned, compared to just 12% who disagree. Half (51%) agree that alcohol ads on TV should be banned, which is more than twice as many as those who disagree (19%). 

The greatest disparity came when respondents were asked whether there should be a ban on advertisements promoting fossil fuels on television, but overall, more agree than disagree (41% vs 24%) with that sentiment. 

The City of Sydney recently decided to prevent coal, oil and gas from being promoted on its properties and events. 

The full survey results are here. 

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