Australian Women's Weekly's retro cover tribute to the Queen

Ashley Regan
By Ashley Regan | 19 September 2022
Australian Women’s Weekly souvenir one shot

The Australian Women’s Weekly has released a souvenir 164-page edition dedicated to the Queen.

The edition out today includes original reports and photography from the archives and featuring a retro cover image.

Are Media group publisher – lifestyle, Nicole Byers, said:  “The Australian Women’s Weekly’s first edition went on sale in 1933, when then Princess Elizabeth was just seven years old.

"In the 89 years since, the magazine has brought every moment and milestone of her private and public life, from her coronation, to marriage and motherhood into the lounge rooms of Australian women.

"The Royal Family became a part of our lives long before TV shows were made about them thanks to the reporting of The Weekly and our covers depicting their images adorn collector’s shelves across the country.

“The Weekly has always enjoyed a close association with the House of Windsor and over the years our Royal reporters have been granted unparalleled access to Royal events and figures.

"Our original Royal reporter Anne Mathison was present at the Queen’s wedding and accompanied her on 25 world tours. She tells how Her Majesty would personally request copies of The Weekly to read when they arrived at the palace via air mail.

"The palace still receives copies of the magazine to this day and our current Royal Editor Juliet Rieden has a similarly close relationship, attending intimate royal events and interviewing everyone from Princess Anne to the now King Charles and the Queen Consort.

“Aside from the obvious fairy-tale factor that has endeared Australians to the royals across history, the Queen had a particularly special connection with our country and one that kept her close to our hearts.

"She was the first ruling monarch to visit our shores, and when she sailed into Sydney Harbour with her new husband Prince Phillip, one million people turned out to greet her. That was well over half the population of the city at the time.

“Time will tell what the future holds for a Royal Family without the Queen. What we do know is there will never be another like her in our lifetime.

"However, as long her memory along with her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, lives on public fascination with the Royals is not likely to fade any time soon.”

The Weekly will launch two further special editions.

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