Australian Venue Co. launches retail media network

Jason Pollock
By Jason Pollock | 3 June 2024
Marianne Mewett.

Hospitality company Australian Venue Co. (AVC) has unveiled AVC Experience+, a retail media network of more than 219 venues.

AVC owns such venues as Kingsleys Woolloomooloo, The Winery and Cargo in Sydney; The Crafty Squire, Hopscotch and The Wharf Hotel in Melbourne; and The Wickham, Friday's and Port Office Hotel in Brisbane.

Advertisers, as well as leveraging AVC’s digital customer interactions via The Pass loyalty app and digital ordering platform me&u, can blend their digital media presence with in-venue activations, customer experiences and visual branded assets.

AVC chief experience officer Marianne Mewett said digital campaigns will be integrated with on-site customer experiences, such as feature bars, booth takeovers, venue activations and sampling experiences.

“Picture the visually explosive, powerfully effective strategy of commandeering every AVC outdoor umbrella at a venue, across a state, or even nationwide for a seasonal campaign that integrates with digital media to elevate brand fame and maximise return and value,” she said.

With third-party cookie deprecation on the horizon and incoming regulation on privacy and data, Mewett said AVC has developed its measurement capability to remove any reliance on cookie-based reporting, including developing conversion APIs that link data together.

“We also have a closed loop environment for mobile and loyalty ordering. We have always had a very strong focus on privacy and data, this will be no different when any new regulation comes into play,” she told AdNews..

AVC joins a long list of companies launching retail media networks in recent months, including David Jones and Kogan.

Australia’s retail media is estimated to be attracting more than $1 billion in ad dollars and perhaps growing at 20% a year.

Mewett said that she thinks a lot of businesses in different sectors are watching the retail media space with interest, have absorbed what some of the earlier players have achieved and are primed to offer their own solutions.

“Australian Venue Co. has a clear strategy for growth and the launch of an industry-leading retail media network is expected to deliver better business outcomes while giving us an operational and competitive advantage in the hospitality sector,” she told AdNews.

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