Australian Defence Force unveils new careers website via VML

By AdNews | 17 June 2024

The Australian Defence Force (ADF), in partnership with VML and end-to-end digital experience software partner Sitecore, has redesigned and upgraded its career discovery and recruitment platform,

As the primary digital touchpoint in the candidate attraction ecosystem, the new ADF Careers website will help Defence Force Recruiting to deliver on its recruitment pipeline targets by enabling more intuitive career and job role exploration.

“The Australian Defence Force has ambitious recruitment targets to achieve by 2030 and this requires a bold and candidate-first approach to acquisition marketing," DFR Commodore Royal Australian Navy and director general Jan Wiltshire said. 

"The new ADF Careers website represents a key milestone in the evolution of Defence Force Recruiting’s offering.”

The new platform strategy and design was informed by an 18-month research program which highlighted the opportunity to help prospective candidates build a better understanding of the benefits that a career in the ADF offers, different entry pathways and requirements, and what a typical day in the life of a serving member involves, before they apply.

VML chief experience officer Miles Cox said the new ADF Careers website showcases what life in the ADF is like in a more human way.

"Providing candidates with tools and information at every stage of their journey so that they’re confident and excited to embark on a career where they will make a real difference."

ADF Careers, the new employer recruitment brand of Defence Force Recruiting, has been brought to life on the website by showcasing real stories from serving ADF personnel, immersive content in an experience hub and a career match tool that suggests potential job roles to prospects to drive application.

The platform is underpinned by a design system and headless technical architecture built on Sitecore XP 10.3, a solution design which sets the foundation for scalable and sustainable evolution of the candidate experience.

The ADF Careers website launch follows the recent launch of the Royal Australian Air Force's new brand campaign in March, Up There.



Client: Defence Force Recruiting

CDRE Jan Wiltshire – Director General Defence Force Recruiting

GPCAPT Chris Ellison – Director Military Recruiting

WGCDR Fiona Van Der Snoek - Deputy Director Recruiting and Attraction

MAJ Sandy Campbell - Staff Officer Recruiting and Attraction

WO1 Jason Hayes - Staff Officer Recruiting and Attraction

Marc Unger – National Digital, CX and Social Media Manager

Veronique Fecteau – Digital and CX Lead

Brooke Jefferies – Digital and CX Specialist

Brandon Pearson-Hatfield – Digital Content Officer

Monica Tran - Digital Content Officer

Travis Hanson - Marketing Specialist – Tri-Service

Agency: VML

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