Amperity rolls out media measurement tool

By AdNews | 20 June 2024
Peter Ibarra.

Customer data platform Amperity has expanded its paid media capabilities with a measurement tool that allows brands to track the total impact of their digital advertising campaigns across online and offline sales.

By directly integrating with conversion APIs for ad platforms like The Trade Desk, Meta and TikTok, this visibility enables marketers to optimise their advertising budgets daily to drive the highest return on ad spend.

The media measurement tool also enables direct audience activation through Amperity’s native UID 2.0 integration, connecting first-party data to privacy-safe universal identifiers to track advertising touchpoints across the open internet.

Amperity's head of media and adtech solutions, Peter Ibarra, said for too long, brands have been held back by the limitations of legacy technology and the opacity of the advertising ecosystem.

“Amperity’s media measurement tools remove these barriers by giving digital marketers the freedom to make bold, data-driven decisions that redefine how they approach and invest in their advertising strategy," he said.

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