Affinity retains Cresco Data

By AdNews | 11 September 2024

Full-service marketing company Affinity has been retained by Cresco Data, a division of the US giant Pitney Bowes, to produce, design, and launch eCommerce platform MarketPlace Maximizer.

Cresco Data managing director Mark Gray said Affinity immediately grasped their product vision and business objectives.

"They provided a robust business case that highlighted the global potential of our platform, transitioning us from concept to a world-class, highly polished marketplace SaaS platform,” Gray said.

“Our reimagined platform helps eCommerce businesses of all sizes thrive."

Affinity CEO Luke Brown said the agency is thrilled to be working closely with Mark and his team to establish a successful go-to-market strategy.

"Our partnership is focused on achieving critical growth goals for both the immediate and long-term future. The success of this kind of relationship is based on Mark having a clear vision and ambition to grow, which means being open to change and looking at things differently," Brown said.

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