Advertising's reputation slumps even further

Rosie Baker
By Rosie Baker | 8 May 2015
Advertising Sucks tshirt from rom Myke Murder.

We all think advertising is great – but that view doesn't appear to be shared by the wider public. And the view of advertising as a profession is getting worse.

According to the latest Roy Morgan Image of Professions report for 2015, the reputation of advertising as a profession has slumped a further 3%.

The study surveys 30 professions – this year 17 of those saw a declining perception in regard to ethics and honesty. A total of 10 professions meanwhile, are seen in a better light than they were last year.

Advertising again, ranks second lowest of all 30 profession - with only car salesmen seen as worse than ad men.

While we're still not seen quite as badly as car salesmen, who have held the lowest spot on the ranking for more than 30 years, as a profession is actually gained 1% this year – while advertising fell 3%.

Even MPs and Union leaders made gains this year, while advertising languishes.

Understandably, because they deal with the sick and dying, work incredibly long hours, for very little financial recognition, nurses, get a good rep. They are seen as the most ethical and honest profession – for the 21st year in a row – cited by 92% of people.

Amongst the biggest losers in 2015 were Bank Managers 34% (down 9%), Accountants 45% (down 7% – their lowest since 2002), Lawyers 31% (down 7%) and University Lecturers 61% (down 5%). Financial planners , unsurprisingly following a number of scandals last year were also down 4% to 24%.

The biggest gainers in 2015 were: School Teachers 78% (up 6%), Ministers of Religion 39% (up 2%), State MPs 14% (up 2%) and Union Leaders 14% (up 2%).

Gary Morgan said: “Roy Morgan’s annual Image of Professions survey for 2015 shows a majority of professions (17) recorded falls in their ratings for ‘ethics and honesty’ over the past year although Nurses 92% (up 1% from 2014) increased and are at their highest rating for over a decade since 2003 and still clearly leading the way as Australia’s most respected profession for very high or high ‘ethics and honesty’.

“There is still no love for our politicians with State MPs 14% (up 2%) only marginally favoured ahead of Federal MPs 13% (up 1%), but both in front of only a handful of professions including Insurance Brokers 11% (down 5%),Real Estate Agents 9% (unchanged), Advertising people 5% (down 3%) and right at the bottom of the heap – Car Salesmen 4% (up 1%) – a position they have held for over 30 years unchallenged as Australia’s least trusted profession.” 

The survey was conducted by phone in April and asked 598 men and women aged over 14 to rank each profession or people in that profession in terms of honesty and ethics.

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