Advertising industry call out to help child of agency account executive

By AdNews | 30 June 2023
Bell Macey.

The advertising industry is rallying behind an agency account director whose child needs medical treatment overseas.

Emma Macey, a group account director at Atomic 212's Melbourne office, has a 10-year old daughter, Bella, with an painful illness called CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome), a neurological disorder.

A GoFundMe campaign has raised $125,561 of a $175,000 to fund treatment.

The Media Federation of Australia called on the industry to support Emma Macey and her family.

"After working closely with the Royal Children's Hospital, Emma and her family exhausted all treatment options available for Bella in Australia and are now hoping to take her to a specialist CRPS clinic overseas for intensive treatments where she will be with several other children fighting this disease," says the MFA.

"We're reaching out to our community to come together in support, through donations, sharing the cause, and spreading awareness about Bella's treatment and the impact of CRPS."

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