AdUnion reappointed to More and Tangerine Telecom

By AdNews | 17 September 2024
Siddharth Bhakay and Katrina Stratton

Independent full service media agency AdUnion has made two appointments following the multi-year contract extension of challenger telco brands More and Tangerine Telecom.

More is a premium provider of NBN, phone and mobile services part owned by the Commonwealth Bank.

The Australian-owned sister business to More is Tangerine Telecom, which offers NBN and SIM-only mobile plans.

AdUnion will be responsible for advertising strategy and media planning and buying across broadcast, streaming, audio and out-of-home for both brands.

More Telecom and Tangerine CMO Rick van Emmerik said the brand first started working with AdUnion to provide integrated media strategy and execution for the Tangerine Brand launch campaign in 2023.

"Since then we have been constantly impressed by the level of engagement, over delivery on expectations and contribution to our rapid growth," van Emmerik said.

"We have now committed to a long term contract and are expanding their remit into more areas than originally planned."

Siddharth Bhakay joins AdUnion as head of digital, while Katrina Stratton has been appointed as the agency’s head of client services and investment.

Bhakay will work on streaming media channels with the team from partner business, AdMatch, while Stratton will work on the agency’s media strategy offering.

Stratton brings 20 years’ experience most recently as group business director at Zenith.

Bhakay brings 15 years’ experience and joins from Nunn Media, where he was a digital account manager.

AdUnion managing director Robert Ong said the appointments demonstrate the agency's commitment to investing in experience and capability across all media channels.

“Sid and Katrina join the team during a substantial growth period for AdUnion, as we continue to deliver for our clients," Ong said.

"As an independent media agency, we’re proud of our sustained expansion and growth, particularly in light of the decline in consumer and advertising spending; it shows the strength of both the AdUnion offering and the broader indie sector.”

Bhakay said AdUnion’s unique attribution platform makes it an attractive proposition for any streaming media specialist.

"Having spent my career working across the digital space, I’m excited to join an agency that is leading the way in streaming media, and is committed to use efficient, effective data and technology to drive results," Bhakay said.

Stratton said he is delighted to join the AdUnion team.

"The commitment to deploying an integrated media strategy approach across all channels and delivering meaningful campaigns have helped AdUnion to build long-standing client relationships," Stratton said.

"I look forward to continuing these partnerships, while also working to build our client stable.”

Both appointments are effective immediately.

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