Baring its little gnashers and making its increasingly loud voice heard, GOAT is now moving into toddler territory after dazzling its way through year one.
The Nova Entertainment-owned millennial mobile brand, fuelled by irreverence and razor-sharp creativity, has spent one year in the market serving up content in a way that no other brand has.
AdNews associate publisher Nicola Riches sits down with editor Melissa Matheson and digital commercial director Kane Reiken to hear what it's been like to launch a media brand in times when launching a media brand is almost considered madness.
We also reveal that GOAT does not stand for Greatest Of All Time after all.
In the podcast, Riches, Matheson and Reiken discussed how brands have come to life on the GOAT platform and how advertisers are integrated into the wider Nova business; how the editorial tone of voice was set and continues to be ingrained into the stories; what the GOAT audience expects and how it interacts with the platform, plus so much more, including what it means to chase a millennial audience and how GOAT grows with it.
You can listen to it on Acast below or check it out on iTunes.
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