AdNews Agency of the Year: don't miss out on adland's party of the year

By AdNews | 19 March 2019

This year's AdNews Agency of the Year awards have had more than just a format refresher, we've created a whole new event.

While AdNews will be hosting a Leaders Long Lunch in Centennial Hall, Town Hall, Sydney, that is by no means where the party ends.

In fact, the real party begins from 6pm when we turn Centennial Hall into a party space and exhibition of the winning work.

From there AdNews will hand out the remaining awards, including the highly conveted 'ADNEWS AGENCY OF THE YEAR' (chosen by AdNews - note all finalists are in the running for this); EMPLOYER OF THE YEAR (chosen by judges - see below); EFFECTIVENESS AWARD (chosen by AdNews) and EMERGING LEADER OF THE YEAR (chosen by judges - see below).

All finalists in these categories will be considered for the Agency of the Year award. Finalists are encouraged to attend the after party with their respective teams.

Finalist or not, this doesn't limit anyone from coming down to share in the excitement and celebration, as we open the doors to the entire industry.

Tickets for the evening party and the exhibition of the winning work cost $139.00 + GST.

If you missed out on the full finalists list, head here for those in the running for the media agency categories, as well as here for the entire list of creative, production and indies.

Note all judges this year were brand marketers and CMOs only, for the first time in AdNews' history. You can see who they were here

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