Ad Standards executive director to step down

By AdNews | 13 September 2024
Richard Bean

Australia’s advertising complaints handling body Ad Standards has announced that Richard Bean will step down from his role as executive director at the end of September.  

No replacement has been decided yet.

AANA chair Martin Brown thanked Bean on behalf of the AANA Board for his dedication and professionalism.

"Richard has been an exceptional leader of Ad Standards, lifting trust and transparency in our world class advertising self-regulatory system,” Brown said. 

“In particular, his work to develop the Community Panel that independently reviews all advertising complaints has significantly strengthened the way it represents the Australian community.   

“Richard has strengthened Ad Standards both locally and internationally. As well as a strong focus on developing the capability and leadership of the Canberra-based Ad Standards team, Richard has represented the Australian industry on the Executive Committee of the International Council for Advertising Self-Regulation (ICAS).” 

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