Account Madness - Stephanie Rumore, Orchard

By AdNews | 11 September 2024
Stephanie Rumore

This series of articles looks at the world of the account manager.

This time we talk to Stephanie Rumore, senior account manager at Orchard.

How did you end up in account management? Was it by design or a cosmic accident?

It was definitely not a linear journey. I’d initially aimed to become a lawyer (and accumulated the HECs debt to prove it). However, I soon realised that this wasn’t the right fit for me long term. Facing that ‘where to from here’ moment was honestly quite daunting.

Fortunately, I was presented with some incredible opportunities while studying, which exposed me to the worlds of health and advertising. Internships, placements and a bit of good luck not only sparked my interest but also introduced me to some remarkable people and an industry that I love being a part of.

This finally got the wheels turning in the right direction and led me to finding a role which aligned with my skills, strengths and interests.

Balancing clients’ objectives and creative vision can be challenging. How do you deal with that?

It definitely can be a tricky balance. I find that establishing a clear understanding of your clients’ goals, while considering practical constraints like regulatory requirements, time and budget, sets the right parameters from the outset.

Our role as account managers is to creatively navigate these constraints to achieve our client’s objectives and bring work to life that we are all proud of, rather than forcing a grand creative idea that won’t land. It’s crucial to understand client feedback and identify why certain ideas may not be resonating. It’s important to be collaborative and appreciate their perspective.

Ultimately, we are all working toward the same goal. 

What strategies do you employ to clearly convey ideas to clients and address client feedback?

The magic of agency-land is having access to a wealth of incredibly talented people right at your fingertips. To clearly convey a creative idea and truly do it justice, it’s crucial to tap into this and have the right people in the room. This not only instils confidence in our team and our capabilities but also generates excitement with our clients about exploring new concepts.

When addressing client feedback, it’s essential to maintain an essence of creativity, as that’s why clients choose to work with you in the first place. It’s important to work with clients when receiving feedback, and to flag any alternative thoughts for them to consider, if we feel we can provide a different perspective. This fosters collaboration but still ensures that we maintain the project’s integrity and deliver quality and valuable work.

How to build strong relationships with clients?

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to building strong client relationships, as everyone ticks a little differently and has unique working styles and communication preferences. Our role is to bend and flex our own styles to ensure that our clients feel heard, valued and understood.  

I find that understanding our clients’ broader world helps build a more genuine and authentic relationship. As with any relationship, mutual respect, transparency and honesty are so important and always going to be the foundations for success.

Do you have any go-to tips for navigating challenging conversations with clients?

Navigating challenging conversations requires understanding and context from both sides. It’s important to carve out time and really listen to clients' concerns. I also like to make sure that I can provide a rationale and any further details as to why we have made the decisions that we have. It’s important that everyone leaves the conversation feeling heard and understood, with clear next steps and a resolution.

I also try to remember that raising tricky conversations is not easy or fun for anyone, clients included. Usually, the intent behind these conversations is a positive one; to improve our working relationship and make our ways of working smoother, rather than coming from a place of negativity or criticism.

Are there any emerging trends or challenges in the industry that account management teams should be prepared for?

Like most industries, tech advancements are rapid and keeping up is both challenging and essential for account managers, but this can also create a pressure to constantly remain ahead of the curve. We can only leverage these advancements if we take the time to learn about how they can be integrated to enhance and elevate our work, and this creates a new responsibility for us to keep on top of.

That being said, I don’t think this should feel scary or daunting. It’s an exciting time to be working in this industry. We can deliver greater value to our clients and offer innovative ideas that are genuinely exciting for us to be working on too.

What advice would you give your younger self when you first started out in account service?

Work around people who inspire you and take every opportunity to learn from those willing to take the time to share their knowledge. You don’t need to master every skill, but you do need to recognise who has expertise in different areas and know when to delegate to get the best result.

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