Account Madness - Paulina Masternak, Traffik

By AdNews | 26 July 2024
Paulina Masternak.

This series of articles looks at the world of the account manager.

This time we talk to Paulina Masternak, account director at Clemenger Group’s experiential agency Traffik.

How did you end up in account management? Was it by design or a cosmic accident? 

A little bit of both. I initially thought I would become an interior designer after graduating from art school. However, while studying, I worked in events as a brand ambassador and event manager for various brands.

One day, one of the agencies I was working with asked if I would like to switch to the other side of the business. This transition from event manager to account executive marked the beginning of my journey in account management. It turns out I was pretty good with people, which helped me thrive in this field.

Balancing clients’ objectives and creative vision can be challenging. How do you deal with that?

Balancing clients' objectives with creative vision involves a few things. Firstly, it's crucial to thoroughly understand the client's needs and find common ground between their goals and the creative possibilities. Flexibility and adaptability are essential in this process, as it often requires adjusting plans to ensure both sides are satisfied. 

It's also important to educate the client. Sometimes, clients may not fully grasp the creative process or the rationale behind certain decisions. By explaining the benefits of specific creative choices and how they align with their objectives, we can gain their trust and approval. This collaborative approach helps in workshopping the objectives into real, achievable deliverables.  

What strategies do you employ to clearly convey creative ideas to clients and address client feedback?

Understanding the creative vision from start to finish is key. I ask a lot of questions, putting myself in the client's shoes to predict their concerns and identify gaps. This approach helps deepen the understanding behind the project's vision and ensures we address any potential issues as a team. 

How do you build strong relationships with clients?

Honesty is fundamental. I believe that people buy into people. Despite being in a professional environment, it's important to be genuine and true to yourself. Clients appreciate authenticity and are more likely to trust you. 

A strong work ethic is also essential. Consistently delivering high quality work and demonstrating reliability helps build credibility and trust. Going the extra mile for clients, whether by exceeding their expectations or providing additional support, shows dedication and commitment to their success. 

Do you have any go-to tips for navigating challenging conversations with clients and effectively selling an idea?

Navigating challenging conversations and selling an idea effectively involves maintaining honesty, being well prepared, and understanding the client's perspective. It's important to address their concerns directly, provide clear and logical explanations, and demonstrate how the proposed ideas/changes align with their objectives and benefit them. 

Are there any emerging trends or challenges in the industry that account management teams should be prepared for?

Emerging trends and challenges in the industry often revolve around the rapid pace of innovations in technology, shifts in consumer behaviour, and the increasing importance of data driven decision making. Account management teams should stay updated with these trends and be adaptable to changes, ensuring they can provide innovative solutions that meet clients' evolving needs. 

What advice would you give your younger self when you first started out in account service?

Believe in your own ability. Trusting your instincts and continuously learning from experiences will help you grow. 

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