Account Madness - Maddi Barber, The Concierge Agency

By AdNews | 1 July 2024
Maddi Barber

This series of articles looks at the world of the account manager.

This time we talk to Maddi Barber account director at The Concierge Agency:

1. How did you end up account management? Was it by design or a cosmic accident?

Not by design! I was lucky enough to land an internship at Carlton and United Breweries while completing my undergraduate degree, which led to a permanent position in the NSW Sales Team in Sales Support. My experience in this role resulted in my ambition to join their on-premise sales team, of which, I eventually landed a role. As a Business Development Executive, I truly found my passion and love for sales and account management.

Account Management as a specialisation is steeped in relationships, and as a true people person and conversationalist, I felt I had found my career path.

2. Balancing clients’ objectives and creative vision can be challenging. How do you deal with that?

The motto I live and die by is relationship first. I find that having a relationship-first approach to client management tends to alleviate pressure when it comes to such situations. I approach this by fostering open communication and building a collaborative relationship with the client from the outset. Getting to know them on a personal and professional level, understanding the intricacies of how they approach their work, and laying the foundations for the most effective ways of working and communicating is the base level for me, everytime.

Establishing that level of mutual respect and understanding makes navigating conversations around expectations and delivery that much easier. That being said, challenges will always arise when navigating clients objectives versus their creative vision. My best advice is to demonstrate thorough understanding of their goals, needs, and constraints from the outset, and then remain flexible and open to feedback, making adjustments as necessary whilst demonstrating continuous advocacy for the integrity of the creative vision.

3. What strategies do you employ to clearly convey creative ideas to clients and address client feedback?

At a creative communications agency, we employ several strategies to clearly convey creative ideas to clients and effectively address their feedback. We start with comprehensive visual presentations and mood boards that illustrate our concepts, ensuring that clients can visualise the ideas we propose. Detailed project briefs and storyboards are used to outline the objectives and execution plans clearly. We also hold regular meetings and workshops where we walk clients through our creative process, encouraging open dialogue and immediate feedback. To address client feedback, we adopt an iterative approach, where we incorporate their input in stages and provide updated drafts for review. This method ensures that the final output aligns with the client’s vision while maintaining the integrity of the creative strategy. By fostering transparent communication and involving clients at every step, we ensure their satisfaction and the success of our projects.

4. How to build strong relationships with clients?

I deeply value building strong relationships with my clients and approach each one with genuine care and authenticity. I make it a point to truly understand their business and personal goals. Often, I start our interactions by asking questions that help me grasp their vision and priorities. I believe in regular check-ins, even when there isn't a pressing project update, to maintain open communication and show that I am invested in their long-term success.

Being proactive is essential to me; I aim to anticipate client needs before they do, offering solutions before any issues arise. Celebrating their milestones, whether it's a business achievement or a personal event, adds a personal touch that goes above and beyond typical business interactions. By consistently striving to deliver high-quality work, over-delivering on communication and being as attentive as possible, I foster a fundamental trust, ultimately fostering a relationship that feels both professional and personal.

5. Do you have any go-to tips for navigating challenging conversations with clients? And effectively selling an idea.

Absolutely; when it comes to navigating challenging conversations with clients, it's all about striking a balance between empathy and assertiveness. Start by really listening to their concerns—show them you’re on their side. Then, calmly present your perspective, backed by data or case studies to add weight to your words.

To effectively sell an idea, tell a compelling story that resonates with their goals and vision. Use visuals to make your pitch engaging, and always leave room for questions and collaboration. Confidence, clarity, and a touch of charisma can turn even the toughest discussions into a win-win situation.

6. Are there any emerging trends or challenges in the industry that account management teams should be prepared for?

I believe those in account management as a profession must prepare for the escalating economic pressures reshaping the industry, as clients increasingly become more budget-conscious and demand higher value and ROI from their partnerships. These changes necessitate a more strategic approach, with an increased need to innovate to deliver cost-efficient solutions without compromising on the quality and execution of services. 

7. What advice would you give your younger self when you first started out in account service

I would advise my younger self to embrace authenticity wholeheartedly. It took me a few years to realise that remaining true to who you are is crucial while navigating client relationships and professional challenges. In my opinion, authenticity fosters genuine connections and trust, both of which are foundational in being successful in the world of account management.

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