Account Madness - Kristen Henry, BMF

By AdNews | 14 October 2024
Kristen Henry.

This series of articles looks at the world of the account manager.

This time we talk to BMF Account Manager Kristen Henry:

How did you end up in account management? Was it by design or a cosmic accident?

I guess you could call it a cosmic accident. I had an interest in the media industry throughout high school, so chose to study Media Arts & Production in University, which seemed like a good fit. I remember the online enrolment process was quite confusing, so I clicked a bunch of buttons and accidentally enrolled in an Advertising subject - which I ended up loving. As a result of this, it became my second Major! 

After graduating uni, I had a chat with a mentor who thought Account Management would be a good fit for me. She connected me with a recruiter for a graduate position at BMF on the ALDI account, by luck one of the best agencies and brands in the country…and the rest is history.

Balancing clients’ objectives and creative vision can be challenging. How do you deal with that?

It is tough - and it can often feel like you’re a lone ranger or part of an unwanted love triangle. But I think the most important thing is letting both teams know that you’re working towards the same end goal - creative excellence that delivers on the business problem.  

It’s also important to remember that it’s not us versus them, or objectives versus creativity. Balance is found when you focus on how these are the same, because although opposites attract, a happy marriage lies in a mutually beneficial union. 

So as long as you’re a champion of great creative thinking, internally and with clients, you’ll find your common thread.

What strategies do you employ to clearly convey ideas to clients and address client feedback?

Communication is key for both of these. When you’re selling an idea it’s all about the delivery, and when you’re addressing feedback it’s all about clarity. But what you need to remember is every person is different so there’s no formula for success here. Some people prefer a text or a phone call, others may prefer to read something first and then chat. In account management we work with so many different people across departments and on various clients, so my secret is I get to know what each person likes and then serve it up to them exactly like that. 

How to build strong relationships with clients?

In a post-covid world of hybrid meetings, there is so much value that face time (no not FaceTime™) brings. At the end of the day, we’re all just nice people who want to have fun and do good work, so having strong relationships in place can do wonders for fostering a collaborative partnership needed to do this. These strong relationships are built over time but can be developed more firmly with the help of face to face interactions. Maybe this is an impromptu drink at the pub or perhaps a side chat in the hallway.

These small and sporadic encounters are what can really help strengthen a relationship - and can really only happen when you make an effort to bond IRL!    

Do you have any go-to tips for navigating challenging conversations with clients?

There will always be parts of any job that you dread, or feel you may feel uncomfortable with, and having challenging conversations will always be one of these for me. But I think as long as you’re always honest and respectful during these conversations, then the outcome will be a positive one. It’s important to listen to what the client has to say, and make sure that they feel heard and understood - after all, you are the line of communication between them and the agency - so they need to know that their brand is in a trusted and reliable pair of hands.  

We’re all human beings and it’s okay that things don’t always go to plan. As long as you’re open and upfront - what more can people ask for?

Are there any emerging trends or challenges in the industry that account management teams should be prepared for?

TikTok is taking the world by storm, and having your finger on the pulse for these ever-changing and emerging trends is super important. Social media has quickly become one of the most important channels, and Account Management can play a huge role when briefing teams. Inspiring them to come up with cool new ways to push ideas beyond traditional formats. 

So can I blame the numerous hours I spend scrolling through TikTok on research? Maybe.

What advice would you give your younger self when you first started out in account service?

There really are no stupid questions. Put your hand up and just ask it - chances are someone else in the room has the same question. 

Being inquisitive doesn’t mean that you don’t know what you’re doing, it just means you’re wanting to find out more. 

It’s okay to not have all the answers - ESPECIALLY when you’re starting your career. 

Set a healthy work-life balance now. This will set the foundations for managing boundaries in the future. And on that note, turn off your email and Teams notifications on your phone. If it’s really that important someone will call you!



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