ACA and AANA bring Effectiveness Masterclass to Melbourne

By AdNews | 6 September 2023
Tony Hale

Advertising Council Australia (ACA) and the Australian Association of National Advertisers (AANA) are bringing The Effectiveness Masterclass to Melbourne on September 12.

The Masterclass is a two-hour intensive for marketers and agency leaders looking to improve the efficacy of their ad campaigns.

James Hurman, founder of Previously Unavailable, Brent Smart, Telstra CMO, and Suzana Ristevski, NAB CMO, will join strategists Fran Clayton, chief strategy officer DDB Australia, and Virginia Pracht, co-head of strategy TBWA\Australia, to provide attendees with practical tools and advice to better sell, measure and prove the commercial impact of their work.

The Effectiveness Masterclass

Tony Hale, ACA CEO, said the turnout at Sydney’s Effectiveness Masterclass earlier this year demonstrated that the return from advertising is a critical issue facing the industry, with every marketing dollar scrutinised amid a tightening economy.

“This event brings together industry innovators, top CMOs and brand strategists to provide a deeper understanding of the principles of advertising effectiveness," Hale said.

"You’ll walk away with the confidence and ability to create compelling ad campaigns that deliver even greater ROI.”

As part of his keynote, Hurman, author of The Case for Creativity and Future Demand will share insights gained from a career dedicated to practising and teaching effectiveness. His Cannes Lions and WARC study, The Effectiveness Code, introduced new concepts such as The Creative Effectiveness Ladder and Creative Commitment, which brands have adopted worldwide. 

A panel session hosted by DDB’s Fran Clayton will follow, featuring Hurman, Smart, Ristevski and Pracht, who will discuss the latest trends and insights for developing campaigns that guarantee impact.

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