AANA launches new Environmental Claims Code

By AdNews | 22 October 2024
Credit: Markus Spiske via Unsplash

The Australian Association of National Advertisers (AANA) has launched a new Environmental Claims Code.

This initiative, effective from March, reinforces the advertising industry’s commitment to responsible advertising practices and its role in supporting government efforts to eradicate greenwashing.

"The advertising industry has an important role to play in the fight against greenwashing," said AANA CEO Josh Faulks. 

"By encouraging truthful and accurate environmental claims, we can influence the behavioural change that is necessary to transition to a sustainable future."

The code sets a new standard for advertisers, helping to foster transparency and trust in environmental marketing. It complements and reinforces the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) Guidance on Environmental Claims, ensuring that environmental messaging is truthful, clear, and verifiable.

The new code expands its reach beyond traditional content, by including images, sounds, and any broad or vague environmental claims.

Advertisers are also now obligated to ensure that any claims about future actions or sustainability targets are realistic, achievable, and based on solid evidence.

The AANA is offering comprehensive support to its members and the industry.

For  members, this includes tailored in-person training, free advice on individual campaigns, and a new online training module set to launch in the coming months.  

A key part of Australia’s self-regulatory system is the independent complaints handling process administered by Ad Standards.

Corporate regulator ASIC in August landed its first greenwashing case with Mercer Superannuation ordered by the Federal Court to pay a $11.3 million penalty.

The fund admitted it made misleading statements about the sustainable nature and characteristics of some of its superannuation investment options.

Competition watchdog the ACCC last year laucnhed a crackdown on greenwashing after an internet sweep found many businesses making making vague or unclear environmental claims.

Of the 247 businesses reviewed by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission in  October/November 2022, 57% made concerning claims.

The cosmetic, clothing and footwear and food and drink sectors were found to have the highest proportion of concerning claims among the industries targeted.

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