$300,000 in fines for weight loss drugs advertising

Ashley Regan
By Ashley Regan | 16 July 2024
Credit: i yunmai- via Unsplash

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has issued 21 infringement notices totaling $319,260 for the alleged unlawful advertising of prescription-only medicines. 

The infringement notices were issued to four businesses and three individuals including an advertising agency, online telehealth clinics and medical practices offering telehealth services.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)

It is alleged that each business unlawfully:

  • promoted the use and supply of prescription-only medicines including weight loss and erectile dysfunction medicines such as Ozempic, Saxenda and Viagra,
  • advertised weight loss medicines outside of their approved use (indication),
  • stated that certain prescription-only medicines were TGA approved,
  • stated that certain therapeutic goods were safe, contravening the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code. 

Department of health and aged care acting deputy secretary Nick Henderson said advertising prescription-only medicines directly to consumers is prohibited under the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989- external site.

"It could create an inappropriate demand for these medicines and lead to unnecessary or harmful prescribing," Henderson said.

“Appropriate treatment options should be determined by a health professional in consultation with their patient.

“Since 2022, the TGA has issued several warnings that advertising Ozempic is prohibited. Further, Ozempic is only approved by the TGA for lowering blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes and cannot be advertised to treat any other conditions.”

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