2024 LIONS Creativity Report Rankings released

By AdNews | 16 September 2024

The LIONS Creativity Report has released its rankings, with WPP named Creative Company of the Year.

It won the award for its collaboration with Coca-Cola, helping to secure three Gold Lions for ‘Thanks for Coke-Creating’, plus 14 more Lions across four pieces of work.

Coca-Cola took out Creative Brand of the Year for the first time, with its brands receiving 17 Lions.

The United States takes the leading spot in the location rankings, followed by Brazil in second place, moving up a place from 2023, and Germany moves four places up, to reach fifth place.

Based on performance from Cannes Lions 2024, the report shows benchmarked work of creative excellence, along with the insights and impact of the results it delivered, demonstrating how businesses are using creativity as a lever for growth and progress.

Lions CEO Simon Cook said the rankings show creatives and marketers the creative marketing that matters, so that they can fuel their pursuit to create better, drive business growth and shift culture.

"The official rankings are a celebration and a powerful tool for future success, while the report is impact-led and built with analysis from the Lions Awards, to deliver tangible examples of how creativity can drive progress," he said.

The 2024 people rankings, as part of the Talent Report, will be released in November. 

The Lions Creativity Report features seven Regional Network of the Year awards and 12 global awards, including Creative Company, Network, Agency, Independent Network, Independent Agency, Creative Brand and Palme d’Or, as well as Health Network, Healthcare Agency and Media Network. 

Five subsequent reports based on the 2024 core Festival streams will be released on October 17. 

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