The Newspaper Works promotes strength of regional papers

11 April 2016

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77% of people found regional newspapers the most valuable source of local community, business and service information.

The Newspaper Works have launched an advertising campaign to promote the strength of regional news medi, following a report that found the sector has almost twice the trust of television and radio.

The national campaign, targeting local business owners, features a series of print ads tailored to individual towns and geographic areas with the headline “Newspapers are the #1 source of local information.”

It aims reinforce the close and trusting relationship communities have with their local newspaper that also provides an effective advertising environment for businesses.

The report, commissioned by The Newspaper Works, found that among 1,440 respondents *54% ranked regional newspapers their most trusted source of information, ahead of television, radio and online search.

The Newspaper Works CEO Mark Hollands says: “Readers have an intimate relationship with their local paper that creates a highly effective advertising environment.

"This campaign seeks to confirm the influential role of regional news media to both readers and advertisers.”

The campaign will run in regional newspapers, supported by The Newspaper Works foundation members News Corp Australia, Fairfax Media, APN News & Media and Seven West Media.

* Source: emma (Enhanced Media Metrics Australia), 12 months to January 2016.

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