'The Hunger Ghrelins' with Foodbank WA via The Brand Agency

8 November 2023

Creative Agency: The Brand Agency (WA)

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The educational toy feeding hungry kids.

One in five Western Australian families go hungry and the problem is getting worse. Children are among those suffering the most, with 120,000 family households in WA finding it difficult to put meals on the table.

Foodbank WA and The Brand Agency have launched The Hunger Ghrelins, a microscopic tale of hunger, hormones and hope.

At the heart of the campaign is a modelling dough kit designed to raise awareness of the plight faced by many in WA, to educate people on the effects of hunger, and to drive donations.

Foodbank WA CEO, Kate O’Hara, said when people get hungry, a hormone is produced by the body to let their brain know that they're hungry.

"This hormone is called ghrelin, AKA the hunger hormone. You can't see it, but you can feel it. And the longer you go without eating, the more ghrelin is released by the body and the hungrier you feel," she said.

"This is perfectly normal, but for the food insecure, it’s a horrible reminder of their hunger”

Every year, for the past 10 years, The Brand Agency has worked with Foodbank WA to create a fundraising campaign that cuts through the clutter and the vast array of communication from not-for-profits seeking donations.

The Hunger Ghrelins idea charts a new course, not only hopefully raising much-needed funds, but also creating a lasting reminder about the massive problem of hunger across our state.

At the centre of the campaign is The Hunger Ghrelins toy, a fun and interactive modelling dough kit designed to encourage discussion about hunger.

It’s available for $15 at hungerghrelins.org.au and coming soon in-store at selected outlets including The Good Grocer IGAs, Scitech and pop-up stores in CBD office buildings, with more outlets to be announced soon.

Proceeds of the $15 purchase price go towards Foodbank WA and will help keep ghrelin numbers down for those suffering from food insecurity.

Dean Hunt, executive creative director at The Brand Agency, said hunger is invisible, hidden inside the stomachs of the food insecure.

"This idea is about bringing what’s hidden out into the open. It’s about education and conversation – helping people to understand how hunger feels with an educational toy that sits at the centre of a story about hunger, hormones, and hope," he said.

"Too many to thank on this one but the sense of pride I have for all involved is huge. Thank you.”

The Hunger Ghrelin, a microscopic tale of hunger, hormones, and hope is brought to life, not just through the children’s toy, but also in outdoor, radio, film, digital, activations, a bespoke website, social media and a concerted influencer and PR strategy by Cannings Purple.


Client - Foodbank WA

Kate O’Hara, CEO

Moira Aynsley, Senior Manager, Brand


Creative and Media agency – The Brand Agency

Dean Hunt – Executive Creative Director

Gordon Haynes – Senior Copywriter

Blanche Mckie – Copywriter

Jessica Sutton – Art Director

Andrew Allingham – Illustrator, Designer, Animator

Chloe Lewis – Creative Services Lead

Dan Agostino – Head of Design

George Cooke – Designer

Mindy Lee – Senior Designer

Carly Groves – Senior Designer, Illustrator

Joseph Damiano – UX Design

Carmelo Rigoli – Technical Lead

Pete Farrell – Front End Developer

Ross Whisson – PHP Developer

Katrina Clayton – Account Management & Production Manager

Jess Bacon – Senior Account Manager

Paul Connelly – Finished Artist

Nicola Commons – Finished Artist

Julian Farnan – Finished Artist

Emma Hawkins – Media Coordinator

Rozanne Fretz - King Street Senior Producer

Demi Chew - King Street Production Manager

Peter Townsend - King Street Content Creator

Julien Solecio – King Street Content Creator


Sound Record and Design – Cue Sound

Mike Fragomeni – Sound Engineer


Public Relations Agency - Cannings Purple

Jo Monery – Director

Mel Newcombe – Associate Directo

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