Six of Lion's beers promote social distancing

2 April 2020

Advertiser: Lion

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The brewer has run a series of print ads in major newspapers.

Australian brewer Lion is using the power of its household name brands to reinforce the government’s advice to stay at home.

Beer brands XXXX GOLD, Tooheys, Furphy, Emu Export, West End and James Boag’s will be urging beer drinkers nationwide to stay at home and keep their physical distance in a series of print ads running across major newspapers.

Lion Australia managing director James Brindley says the only way to catch up with mates at the moment is on a video call.

“We never thought we would be telling people not to invite their mates over for a beer, but that is exactly what we are doing,” Brindley says.

“Down the track, we will all be back together in pubs or at BBQs, but for now, we want to help reinforce this critical message via our iconic brands.”


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