NSW State Emergency Service's 'Everyone Counts' via VML

8 July 2024

Creative Agency: VML
Media Agency: OMD

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To boost volunteer numbers across key regional areas in New South Wales.

The NSW State Emergency Service (NSW SES) – the emergency and rescue service dedicated to assisting the community during natural disasters – has launched a new volunteer recruitment campaign created in partnership with VML.

The campaign aims to boost volunteer numbers across key regional areas in New South Wales, particularly targeting locations recently affected by extreme weather events.

In the wake of increasingly frequent and severe weather disruptions, the ability to respond effectively and efficiently is more crucial than ever.

NSW SES acknowledges that everyone plays a critical role, from front-line to behind-the-scenes team members.

The campaign, Everyone Counts, seeks to connect potential volunteers to the SES by driving this message home and enhance public recognition of the essential roles played by volunteers and staff members.

The work features real-life scenarios starring a full cast of actual NSW SES volunteers and staff, created to resonate across print, digital and social media platforms.

By shedding light on the contributions of the full-time NSW SES teams that are supported by field volunteers, Everyone Counts underscores the teamwork required to brace NSW against any situation.

“We were incredibly proud to get the call up for such an important organisation like NSW SES. When people think about volunteering, they think they’re going to be on the frontline, wading through floods or shifting fallen trees," VML Sydney & Melbourne creative director Jack Delmonte said.

"But there’s a disconnect there because there are so many other ways to help that are just as important. And showing how many hands a simple sandbag has to go through to get in place we thought proved the point perfectly. Go on, volunteer. They’re great people doing great things.”

VML Sydney & Melbourne managing director Sarah Bailey said this campaign is a testament to the collaborative efforts of VML and the NSW State Emergency Services.

"This initiative underscores the importance of community safety in NSW, and the critical role that volunteers play," she said.



Client: NSW SES

Creative Agency: VML

Director: Joel Burrows

Director of Photographer: Don Buppapirak

Composer: DG Music

Colourist: Matt Fezz

Sound Mix: Noise International

Media: OMD

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