Movember's 'The Real Face of Men’s Health'

17 July 2024

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The first fully developed campaign by the charity’s in-house team, Movember Creative Studio.

Men’s health charity Movember has launched The Real Face of Men’s Health, a campaign that asks the world to rethink men’s health.

Because men’s health doesn’t just affect men, it impacts everyone. 

When men are well, their relationships and communities benefit. But the same goes when men are unwell and unsupported - everyone feels the negative ripple effects.

The Real Face of Men’s Health is relevant to anyone with a father, brother, son, partner or male friends. 

With this new campaign, Movember hopes to help people connect these dots so that they see themselves as the real face of men’s health, and as part of the solution.

The charity aims to start more conversations and ultimately build a groundswell big enough to change attitudes and policy around men’s health. 

The campaign is the first fully developed by the charity’s in-house creative team, Movember Creative Studio, and is a bold departure for the brand. The face of men’s health isn’t always a man with a moustache — instead, the campaign brings those affected by men’s health into the foreground.

Comprising of a hero film featuring an array of faces and a lifecycle of moments impacted by men’s health - both the good and the bad - the campaign is supported by a series of content films that tell the stories of real Movember community members, and the profound impact men’s health has on their family and loved ones. 

“The Real Face of Men's Health represents a new frontier for Movember, showing the critical importance of our mission and advocacy for men’s health. By bringing together diverse voices and experiences, we aim to ignite a global movement that drives men's health policy change and fosters healthier communities worldwide," Movember's CMO Jeremy Macvean said.

Movember creative strategist and head of brand Sophia Bell said it's not the typical men’s health campaign people might expect. 

"The Real Face brings new perspectives on men's health from the families and communities who care for men. Whether that's a partner who supports a man through cancer and feels the weight of it, or the friendships rocked when they lose a man to suicide. Those ripple effects – the often-overlooked consequences of men’s health – are at the heart of this campaign," she said.

By showcasing candid and diverse experiences of men’s health, Movember hopes to show the multifaceted nature of men's health issues. Its encouraging global audiences to see themselves and their families reflected in the conversation and hope to inspire them to advocate for men's health action and change.

The campaign's vision was brought to life by production company The Producers, whose creative director, Luke Thompson, said "having the opportunity to collaborate on the creative idea and scripts with the Movember Creative Studio team was an amazing opportunity. It truly led to a more seamless production process when it came to executing our films".

The Real Face of Men’s Health has launched globally across digital, social media, and broadcast channels.

Movember invites supporters to add their voices to the movement via its website. By sharing personal stories and advocating for policy and health system reform, people can play a role in shaping a healthier future for men and ensuring equitable care for all.



Chief Marketing Officer: Jeremy Macvean

Global Director of Brand and Content: Hugh Miller

Head of Brand, Creative Strategist: Sophia Bell

Head of Creative: Hannah O’Mahony

Senior Creative Producer: Thomas Pike 

Senior Copywriter: Kevin Lai

Head of Studio: Thomas Walters


Production Company: The Producers

Director: Toby Morris

Creative Director: Luke Thompson

Executive Producer: Noelle Jones

Producer: Georgia Rankin

DOP: Liam Gilmour ACS

Art Director: Liv Pullbrook

Post Production Co: Ex. The Producers

Music & Sound Design: RanRun Studio

Photographer: Seiya Taguchi

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