Junkee Media uses real-time content in new campaign

9 October 2018

Advertiser: Junkee Media

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Youth publisher Junkee Media is pushing its flagship title Junkee.com with a new national campaign displaying real-time feeds of trending topics from the news website.

Youth publisher Junkee Media is pushing its flagship title Junkee.com with a new national campaign displaying real-time feeds of trending topics from the news website.

The latest campaign from the publisher and content agency uses out of home signs across Australia to display punchy headlines of trending stories.

The headlines, which are displayed on Ooh!Media's signs, quickly grabbed people's attention on social media when a tweet of a sign which referenced The Bachelor presented Osher Gunsberg was soon retweeted by the host himself.

Junkee Media's CEO Neil Ackland says the campaign demonstrates the flexibility of Ooh!'s network in providing news and engaging content in real time.

“We’re excited to showcase the power of digital out-of-home when it comes to clever, timely and contextually aware creative,” Ackland says.

“With the combined power of Junkee and Ooh we are demonstrating to the market how the medium can be used to build our brand and create mass awareness and engagement.”

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