The Edge of the Internet

9 December 2011

Advertiser: Internet Explorer 9
Creative Agency: Wunderman (Sydney)

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Microsoft has launched a treasure hunt-style campaign to promote Internet Explorer 9 which encourages users to find "The Edge of the Internet".

Created by Wunderman, the campaign is "based on the premise that the internet is a universe estimated to be 25.2 billion pages large", with the first person to find 'the edge' to win $20,000.

The idea follows on from Wunderman's "TenGrandisBuriedHere" campaign in 2009 for Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 8, which won a number of awards including Grand Prix and Gold at APMA Star Awards, Gold at Spikes Asia, a Silver ECHO, and an MAA Globe.

that the internet is a universe estimated to be 25.2 billion pages large

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