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Starting her career nearly six years ago at Carat, Watkins left the agency but found herself back again...
A former taekwondo star, Kim has been working in the industry for the last six years. In five years'...
Starting her career in Adelaide at InDaily, she moved to Melbourne with the SA publication before...
Saul started out studying songwriting in LA before she jumped into marketing and events. Now her eyes...
Starting his career at the ripe age of 18, Rodriguez has been in the industry for a decade now and has...
Starting out her career in print before joining Revolution360, Phoebe Kafataris admits the only plan she...
A self-confessed "over-sharer" with her eyes set on a top marketing role at Nike one day, there's not...
After studying Mandarin and living in China for two years, Bronagh Marley found herself heading down an...
Born in New Zealand, Hannah Roberts recently made the move to Melbourne. When she isn't staying up to...
A former chicken nugget connoisseur, Cameron Murray has been in the industry for seven years but once...
The daughter of a world-class pigeon racer, she has been in the industry for four and a half years.
In three years, she has gone from a fresh-eyed graduate to a senior research executive managing multiple...
A former TV commercial child star, Josh Gilbert has been at Network 10 for the last two years.
Previously working as a client engagement manager at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Harricks landed at Xandr...
Always interested in working in a media agency, Conyard loves to watch long YouTube videos and listen to...