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To celebrate the changing narrative in women’s football.
John Burgess, CEO and director of strategy, and Kelsey Dubar, marketing & events manager at Little...
Tuvalu's The First Digital Nation and Samsung's Flipvertising.
“Ultimately, Barbie was the standout and has over-delivered in every way.”
"It is not a problem for minorities to solve, it's a problem concerning all of us."
Is money the answer to everything?
A celebration of the FY23.
“If I was a marketer getting outdone by viral ads, I’d be asking myself to pick up my game."
"It was a new role to the agency and it simply did not work out."
With Rebecca Robertson and Sasha Smith from Howatson+Company.
Launching on Network 10 and Tenplay.
According to Frederik Von Briel at UQ.
Featuring conversational AI designer and developer, Tyler Hamilton.
To ensure brand suitability controls are in place.
Investigating the psychological side of AFL football.