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" ... other media companies will not be immune.”
Nickie Scriven: “We’re delighted to start this journey with Kellogg’s ..."
" ... August bookings could potentially be soft as well."
The loss of Jones would cut the value of Macquarie Media substantially.
ME Bank: " ... these types of comments don’t reflect our values."
An activist group has launched a campaign after radio broadcaster Alan Jones attacked NZ prime minister...
" ... a significant decline in overall media advertising spend."
The cash will enable the company to "take advantage of opportunities".
But net profit after tax before significant items was up more than half to $12.1 million.
New residential listings fell by around 12%, double the 6% decline reported in the first half.
The payout probably didn't reach the maximum $33 million.
The airport says a lift in advertising revenues reflects investment in new digital advertising.
Hold each other to account. Reject campaign briefs from brands that don’t “walk the talk” on purpose.
Nine's full year results are due next week, the first since the merger with Fairfax.
Exploring ways to restructure debt of $16.5 million.