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Macquarie Bank and Credit Suisse analysts have the out of home ad player as an Outperform share.
And Little Shop 2 is underpinning sales at Coles.
Australia’s biggest brands have dropped 5% in value, led by the telco sector.
Theme park earnings double
Village has done a $32.3 million deal with US-based Blackhawk Network.
A full year loss of $10.7 million and a 20% interest rate on debt.
And the investment bank has retained its OUTPERFORM rating on oOh!media.
“The more complex marketing becomes, the greater the value that can emerge from agencies.”
The marketing and communications group posted a 4.1% lift in full year revenue to $724.2 million.
Total net media revenue was up 5.2% to $447.3 million.
PHD has the highest number of finalists, followed by OMD and then Mindshare.
$4.9 million for an eight-episode character-based thriller, Clickbait.
The earnings downgrade is “disappointing” but a temporary event.
Down almost 10%.
In question are 3.2 million Seven West Media shares.