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The AdNews' Agency of the Year winners have officially be crowned. Check out the full list here.
In the news today: giant skull in Melbourne train station, report shows radio strongest in summer months...
His favourite spot for lunch is Mr Wong's, he likes 'big' things and his must-have gadget is a Canon 7D.
In news: Facebook celebrates International Women's Day with a 24-hour, around the world Live event;...
Programmatic Media's Stephen Wright believes the recent Programmatic Summit event preaches to the...
She studied art at university, loves cooking and has watched the James Bond box set over a hundred times.
In news today: To take on Tinder, Bumble had to go big; Snap tumbles 12% on day three of IPO; Shazam...
In news today: Elon Musk to hold contest for fan-made Tesla ads; gun-saga M&C Saatchi staffer resigns...
Snapchat stock finishes up 44% on first day of trading.
In Mover and Shakers this week: Yahoo7 hires first chief revenue officer, The Royals gets new senior...
The Boys by Clemenger BBDO Melbourne, Air New Zealand’s Summer Wonderland by Host and MLA’s Spring Lamb...
She's got a French degree that she never uses, is a big promoter of performance marketing and lives by...
M&C CEO Jaimes Leggett, chief strategy officer Justin Graham and Bohemia CEO Brett Dawson join the...
In others news: Fairfax CEO Grey Hywood receives $2.45m bonus.
Hungerithm, Meet Graham, Air New Zealand’s Summer Wonderland and MLA’s Operation Boomerang are all...