Telstra in T-Box talks with Foxtel

By Danielle Long | 7 July 2010

SYDNEY: Telstra is in talks with Foxtel to include the pay TV operator's channels on its new T-Box service, Telstra chief executive David Thodey has revealed.

Thodey told the crowd at T-Box launch party in Sydney last night that the telecommunications giant is in talks with Foxtel chief executive Kim Williams to enhance the service.

Thodey said: "I'm delighted to say that we're working with Foxtel to put Foxtel content on the T-Box as well."

Telstra last night officially launched the T-Box, an internet-connected set top box, which gives consumers access to free-to-air TV, as well as BigPond TV, BigPond Movies and YouTube.

Telstra will today commence a major marketing push for T-Box, with an advertising campaign fronted by celebrity Andrew Daddo, which was created by BWM.

As revealed by AdNews last week, the campaign will be one of the brand's biggest this year and will serve as an educational campaign for the new service and promote the T-Box as a bundled package, which also includes broadband and unlimited local calls.

Telstra owns 50% of Foxtel along with joint venture partners News Corporation and Consolidated Media Holdings, both of which own a 25% stake.

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