Free TV unveils four step plan to support regional TV

By AdNews | 27 June 2024

Free TV has called for a four step plan to place regional television broadcasting on a sustainable long-term footing, following the imminent closure of Mildura Digital Television (MDT) on June 30.

Free TV CEO Bridget Fair said that the Regional Broadcasting Continuity Bill introduced this week contains two short-term legislative tweaks in response to the closure of MDT, but long-term structural measures are now urgently needed to ensure the future viability of regional commercial television services in Australia.

From July, almost 70,000 people in Mildura will no longer be able to access broadcasts from Mildura Digital Television, which delivers Network 10 programming to the region.

“This legislation merely allows Mildura viewers the option of installing a satellite dish at their own expense to receive the remote area VAST service to replace their Network 10 services," she said.

"While this gives Mildura residents an option to replace their lost services, it is not a fair or reasonable solution, new satellite installation can cost upwards of $800. In a cost-of-living crisis this is simply not realistic for many Australians just to access the television services that are available for free to everyone else.

“Without urgent substantive action by Government, more licence areas are likely to follow."

In the 2023 financial year, regional commercial broadcasters spent $35 million on local news bulletins, $5 million more than they did the year before.

All commercial television broadcasters also comply with additional regulatory requirements, such as 55% Australian content obligation and accessibility requirements.

Fair said that with content spend going up, and revenue going down, the costs of providing regional TV services across the wide Australian landmass are a serious concern—particularly when considering the "excessive spectrum tax" broadcasters pay every year.

"The tax was introduced as a temporary measure in 2017 and should have been abandoned years ago," she said.

"Free TV is calling on the Government to abolish the outdated and unjustified spectrum tax; amend the Prominence and Anti-Siphoning Bill to ensure that all Australians can watch their live and free sport no matter how they get their free TV, and can find their local TV services on their current TV sets without needing to buy a new one; review regulatory imposts on commercial TV stations that don’t apply to digital competitors who sell advertising against them—such as licence area restrictions and rules that limit ownership arrangements; and implement direct funding support for markets where services are not commercially viable.

“Regional broadcasters know their audiences love local news, community stories and sport, and that local businesses need regional TV to reach local customers. But without the Government’s long-term support more services are at risk, and these social and economic benefits for regional Australia will be lost”.

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